The central story of the Book of Genesis is about family.  This is a story about a family of religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam).  This is a story about a family of people (the descendants of Abraham and Sarah).  But it is also a story about all families. All families have love and conflict.  Family themes repeat over and over again - between father and son, mother and daughter, brother and sister, and everyone else in the family.

You will read the stories of the family of Abraham and Sarah.  You will act them out as a class.  You will make a family tree.  And then you will consider what it means to be part of a family.

Why is family important?  Why do we love our families?  Why is family difficult?  Why do we fight with our famlies?  Do we get along with people are similar to us or different from us? Does everyone have a soulmate? Why do we prefer certain people, even in our own families? What is the perfect family?